Hydraulic Tyre-Killer new Vehicle Access Control Systems in Sensitive Areas

Hydraulic tyre killer are security system and are designed especially for entrance points of traffic which have a threat of vehicle attack or for the ones that have high security requirements. Hydraulic tyre killer is one of the most safe and sound systems for safety point of view; it can control the vehicles with high speed, if there is a risk of vehicle attack in addition. It’s not possible for…

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Road Blocker Control Restrict Access for Unauthorised Vehicles

Road Blocker is controller high traffic and control maximum security for highly sensitive, entry-exit point against unauthorized vehicles of all sizes and weights. Crash tests carried out under the supervision of the Technical Inspection Agency and with an impact of a 7.5 ton truck traveling at 80 km/h certify the high reliability of the road blocker also stopped high speed vehicle. The road blocker “DSP” are designed to remain fully operational…

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Automatic Boom Barrier – a Perfect Solution for Streamlining Traffic Flow

Modern day traffic is difficult to manage, under such circumstances; we have new products like boom barrier that have come as a boon to help in managing the traffic effectively and efficiently. The recent incidences of breaching of security, increasing cases of theft and robbery and lack of public safety have made it mandatory for us to have security systems that can ensure full-proof security. Thanks to the modern technology…

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Boom Barriers the Modern way of Traffic Management and Control

Precaution is better than cure; the age old adage has knocked the minds of many after many incidents of mismanaged traffic flow which has resulted in traffic congestion, road rage etc. Thanks to the technological advancement, we have new systems and devices which have helped in managing the traffic. We now have the use of boom barriers across various places like residential complexes, offices, parking areas etc. What are Boom…

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Flap Barriers – The Best way to Control and Manage Crowd

Technology has always blessed us with its benefits; the need for safety and security does not any explanation, and hence, the focus is always to bring in system and devices which can enhance the security. Flap barriers and boom barrier are devices which are actively being used to manage road traffic and at the same time ensure security. Flap barriers as the name reflect has retractable flaps which access or…

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Improving Road Safety with Led Variable Message Signs

Road Safety is one of the leading issues across the globe. With the emerging demand for vehicles and the existing vehicles, both are responsible for increasing the traffic jams and accidents. There no doubt that there are bigger lanes and proper traffic system in every busy city but this situation remains unconquerable till date. People often choose the wrong path and try to turn to the right lane and often…

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Automatic Flap Barrier for Pedestrian Entrance Control Systems

Places like the subway, railways, parks etc. depend on pedestrian ticketing system. This ticketing system is primarily dependent on controlling pedestrian traffic. Over the years a number of effective systems have been developed, which have evolved and finally resulted in flap barrier for pedestrian control systems. While the name can be a little confusing or misleading, you have come across this effective pedestrian traffic control equipment in your day to day…

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Why we need Manufacturing of Hydraulic Rising Bollards?

Automatic bollards are secure and have low maintenance cost. Bollards are used for dividing the traffic. By using bollards,the problem of traffic jams can be reduced. Bollards are used for dividing into two parts for providing space for two way traffic. Bollards are helpful in protecting  businesses from ram raids in areas where ship loading happens. Automatic bollards may be installed when such loading activity is taken place then bollards…

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Benefits of Automatic Hydraulic Bollards for Premises Protection

Are you searching for a perfect way to protect your premises from unauthorized vehicles? Then Automatic Bollards is the best solution for you. Nowadays, you can see bollards in use almost everywhere you go. However, different types of bollards are used to restrict traffic in areas with a huge volume of people. It includes the area such as airports, railway station, and football stadiums. Bollards practiced in these places are…

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Tripod Turnstile a new Automated Entrance Barrier

Tripod turnstile is a quick solution and reliable method which provide traffic control and security of certain areas. They are stored in buildings to prevent people from access to unauthorised areas.Card reader, biometric devices or an external control panelare used to activate an access control system mechanism to these devices. The access control system are added directly into the turnstile, in a reception or security desk.Whenever,the user gets authorisation to…

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