Over a Thousand Drivers Caught Running Red Lights at Rail Crossings

Over speed limit main causes of traffic accidents in the world- There is a great variety of contributory factors that lead to traffic accidents crashes, most important of which are: the level of driver training; the general attitude of drivers; driver behavior and the level of driver self-discipline, self-regulation and law compliance. All of these relate to human factors in the road traffic environment. Ever since the invention of the…

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Bollards To Be Replaced By Camera Systems On Institutions Routes

The biggest concern today is to manage the traffic and streamlining the traffic flow, especially when we have million so of the vehicle running on the road. Although technology has given us many new avenues that have simplified traffic management and has also led to the evolution of Intelligent Traffic Management system, one such key aspect of traffic management, is bollards. Although bollards have long been used with the advent…

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How Motor Vehicle Company Can Make Deadly Roads Safer for you

The Tyre Killers is a barrier for vehicle security; it is a high level of security against unauthorized vehicles and vehicle attempts to break through, both the tyres and axles will be destroyed and entrance of the vehicle will definitely be prevented. SPIKE TYRE KILLER: Spike barriers are a traffic control barriers. They have been developed to maintain very high security, high for locations, volume traffic and control unauthorized entry.…

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Best Parking Management Product & Solutions

The Parking system is an indispensable trait in various walks of our lives. Parking services in residencies, offices, shopping malls, hospitals and other public places are strategic enough to control any amount of traffic at any point of time. With the advent of technologies, an integrated automated parking solution is developed to provide an ease in managing traffic inside parking lot. The authorities can easily upgrade their parking system and…

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Smart Traffic Signs and its uses for Commuters

Traffic congestion has become a major problem in every large city of the world. To ensure a reliable transportation system, it is important to have an intelligent traffic control system. The very first step to do that is to acquire traffic data. Traffic data may come from different sensors. Some examples are use of induction loop, infrared light sensor, optical flow, etc. However, in recent day’s image processing techniques has…

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Boom Barrier Ensure Effective Entry and Exciting Control for Toll Management

We see an increase in number of threats people are facing in their day to day lives like the bandit attacks, terrorist attacks, etc. The world is victim of these attacks now. Though we have security guards and security persons for protection, their lives are highly impacted by these acts. Also one may not be able to predict such acts for preventive measures. Therefore to work as a helping hand…

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Variable message signs: A new sign of traffic solutions

Traffic management is a big concern in many nations; increasing number of vehicles on the road and managing the seamless flow of this traffic seems to be the biggest problem. However, with the advent of technology, we now have tools and devices which have simplified this. The inclusion of technology in traffic management gave rise to the concept of ITM or Intelligent Traffic Management System. It is not software rather…

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Impact of Toll Management System on Highways

Today we have millions of vehicles running on the road and the number is increasing every day; under such circumstances, we need an effective system to manage the traffic especially at the toll where manual management of vehicles and dispensing of toll ticket is a cumbersome task and may lead to chaos and confusion. With the leaps and bounds of technology today we have had systems and devices in place…

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The Benefits of Automatic Rising Bollards and Boom Gates

The common idea that most people have about bollards is that they are permanent and durable structures that have been designed to mark a particular area as off limits to prevent vehicle access. While this is one of the purposes it serves, it is just as useful in controlling access in terms of an “as needed” basis. Uses of Automatic Bollards While Automatic Bollards help in maintaining vehicle access, they…

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Manual Tyre Killer in Safety and Security System

Tyre-Killer working system can be explained as a device to stop the running vehicle forcefully by bursting its tyres. It works rapidly, the hard teeth of a Tyre-Killer move together and is connected to the same teeth bar. Tyre-Killer is powered by a hydraulic unit. These are referred to stop the heavy duty and highest security vehicles. This provides high security in sensitive areas like for military bases, airports, and…

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