Obama Moves Towards Effect Of Climate Change On National Security

Now coming to the statement given by obama it is a fact that the changes in the climatic conditions are affecting the security systems. The weather is not good, untimely rains and floods and even diseases. These problems are making the people in the world suffer. The people are also migrating from and to different places which is a difficult task for the securities to control. There are chances for the threats to come into the country and then destruction. The lack of resources like the food to eat and the medicines and even the employment is also getting affected by the changes in the climate. This makes the government of that country unstable.

The floods caused a serious damage to many nations and especially for the US security. The military areas are flooded recently and the re construction or any other methods took a long time and also a threat for the securities. The emission of the green house gases is increasing the temperatures and the ice caps are melting and these are leading to the increase in the mean sea level. The raise in temperatures also affects the weapons and the health of the soldiers and other officials that are protecting the country.

The climatic conditions are adverse and they are only controlled by some safety measures. The agency is taking several experts and is planning for the reduction of the causes for the climatic changes. The usage of gases and the coal are replaced by some natural sources and also using renewable source of energy. The usage of wind energy for power generation and other measures are made to follow to protect the climate. The changes in the climatic conditions are leading to an increase the heat wave intensity that is leading to droughts and floods and some wildfires and also downpours. This is affecting the food resources also. The raise in the sea water levels is also affecting the land operations. Even the energy sources are getting affected by this climate changes. These climatic changes are very drastic and are also causing different health problems in the common people as well as the security that is protecting the nation from all threats.

The alternative sources of energy are being searched other than the available renewable energy sources. This must be made quickly and we are running out of time to protect our very planet. Including the protection and the supply of food will be a difficult task if the same climatic conditions stay or repeat or even doesn’t change. Obama has given the correct statement as it is important to do the best for protecting out protectors.

The climate change security plan is implemented to adopt the safety measures in all countries and especially in the US nation. The purpose of this security plan is to deal with the effects on the security and for the protection of the countries from the threats. These plans are also for the implementation of alternative ways for the energy production and different ways to protect the military and the security services from all the threats.

The number of problems faced by the national security is very large and the plans that are followed to implement the protection must be helpful to all and also the security. The pollution caused by the human activities and the non renewable sources of energy are fatly destructing the ozone layer and are actually being damaged. Now when the plans applied by the agency must be strict and they must be followed by everyone in the nation and also in the world. This will also protect us from the upcoming horrible threats and we can live a better life in the better world. The plan needs to be implemented by all the nations to protect their respective securities and also the citizens. This statement also got a huge response from the people and they are ready to be followed by all the citizens of the world.

Different methods and different schemes will be applied and the climatic change plans are also helpful in stopping the wars and also the flow of the refugees. The infrastructural facilities are targeted in this plan.

The implementation of security at the airports and public transport using different barriers like tripod turnstile gate will help in controlling the flow of the refugees or the migrating people and some of the other equipment like the full height turnstile is also used to stop the over flowing migrants. There are a few more types of security equipment like the flap barrier and the flap barrier price is affordable to control the people. The advancement in the weapons and the pollution created from this same advancement needs some care and are to be used only if the problem arises.

The need for protecting the nature is everyone’s duty and the same is to be followed in protecting the securities also.

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