Houston System’s Parking Guidance System has given us leverage in managing our parking lots and people feel convenient to use our parking areas

We operate a series of parking lots in and around California, USA. Our parking lots have very high capacity of around 20-25,000 cars at a time. To manage such a huge area we need a very trusted and reliable Parking Guidance System. The parking guidance system by Houston System is an amazing use of technology to ease our burden. We have installed the Houston System’s parking guidance system in all of our parking lots.

We operate both single as well as multi-level parking lots. Our team had to look after every car while it was being parked and had to continuously monitor the space for available and occupied space. Parking lot is a very dynamic place where parking space changes every minute. Before we had installed Houston System’s Parking Guidance System, we had to manage each and everything manually and it was too hectic a job for our team. Moreover, the people also used to face a lot of problems and there used to be commotion during the peak hour every day. The people had to face a lot of hardships and we could literally do nothing to end their inconvenience. Due to this, the people had grown wary in using the parking lots.

We installed Houston System’s Parking Guidance Solution in one of our parking lots on a pilot basis to check whether it is feasible for us to use the new advanced technology. By the time we chose it, it was already being successfully used in the NYC. The results began showing its effect within a month. We got positive feedbacks from the users of our parking lots. What we observed was that, the commotion in the peak hours decreased considerably and the fleet entering and moving out was more streamlined.

Though it was a bit costly initially but the Parking Guidance System has been delivering since the very first day. It has helped a lot in managing our parking lots with ease. We no longer manage the parking lots manually. All the space in our parking lots is assisted by the parking guidance system and we rarely have to help the people in parking or finding their parked cars.

Once the system produced fruitful results in one parking lot, we installed the same in all our parking units. The Return on investment is quite good and we as well as our customers are very satisfied with the use of technology in solving the problems in parking. The whole parking lot is digitized and there are display units everywhere in the parking lot which shows the available parking areas and occupied parking units dynamically. People can find the best suited parking areas for themselves and as soon as the parking area gets occupied or becomes vacant, the data gets updated in the system automatically. There are LED indicators which continuously guide the people. The indicator glows red once the space is occupied and it goes green as soon as the parked car moves out of the occupied space. It is also noteworthy that there are blue indicators which signify reserved parking areas for the disabled.

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The ultimate Parking helper by Houston System

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Houston Systems is world leader in Entrance Automation, Security Access Management & Intelligent Systems.

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