Winters have already struck and with festivity spread all around, it’s obvious to have maximum traffic on the road. It’s time to shop and hit the road, meet friends and relatives and at the same time, it also creates a lot of chaos because of heavy commotion on the road. Talking about heavy road traffic and mass movement across the city it becomes very difficult for traffic management authorities to manage the traffic but with the advent of modern technology have tools and technologies which help in streamlining the traffic movement and prevent any kinds of delays and chaos on the road.
Any kind of festival pushes a lot of pressure on the local authorities to manage the traffic, however, as compared to earlier times, today we have products like bollards, boom barrier, flap barriers etc, which have proved be tremendously helpful in controlling and managing the flow of vehicles.
When it comes to various devices being used to manage traffic, one of the popular names in the series includes bollards; they have a long history and have been used since a long time to demarcate restricted area or restrict the flow of the traffic.
What are bollards?
Bollards are vertical metallic posts which are placed as a barricading to restrict the entry, although this was more popular in ancient times, yet, today we find the application of static bollards in places where we only have to allow the entry of two-wheelers or parking area etc.
State of the art technology has affected various walks of life and bollards have also undergone a huge transformation since the first time they came into existence. Today we have automatic bollards which are electronically controlled and are sensor based. Some of the most advanced version works in real-time which reduces the probability of manual error and are highly efficient.
There are various types of traffic management devices available today that help in managing the traffic some of the other popular variants in the series includes:
- Boom Barriers
- Flap Barriers
- Turnstiles
These devices are used depending on the type of place and kind of traffic one needs to manage. For example, boom barriers are often found in places where there is huge traffic flow, entrance gate of residential, commercial or any other premises;they are an integral part of toll management solutions.
Coming to the flap barriers– they are mostly used to control human traffic. They find application where there is huge rush of people, for example at the entrance of the metro station, railway station, or in offices where the record of entry of employees has to be kept.They are also used in museums, parks and other places where there is a need to ensure the security check of every individual.
Turnstiles – Turnstiles are different types, they can be tri-armed, optical, full-height types. Depending on the place of application the client decides which type of turnstile has to be installed.
The crux of the matter is that all these devices play a crucial role in enhancing the security of the place and its people. In times like today when there is an immediate need of high-end security devices, these tools prove to be an excellent piece of machinery which offers superb security without any flaw.
Our Role: Amongst the pool of many companies who promise to deliver a superior product, Houston System has emerged as a popular name in terms of delivering high-quality traffic management solution without compromising on quality. We have a dedicated team of engineers and in-house manufacturing unit which makes sure that each product is an emblem of excellence and guarantees efficient performance irrespective of the intensive duty cycle. To know more about our parking management and traffic management solutions get in touch with us today.