Road Safety: Serious issue in Urban Area

“Accidents do not happen they are caused! “is a very true saying and with today’s scenario where drivers drive not to reach a destination but to wander aimlessly; road safety causing inconvenience to others as well as themselves and road safety has become a must. Various countries opt for various rules and regulations for the general public like ‘us’to follow but the authorities think that just initiating a new rule is sufficient. What they fail to understand that a regular check to observe whether those traffic rules are being followed or not is also needed. With the rate of corruption these days, it is very easy to bribe a traffic cop and continue riding the bike without using a helmet and other essentials. With an increase in population where India ranks second as the most populous country after China, many problems vast and trivial have also been born. One of the major problemsis being traffic on roads! This problem is not only limited to a specific country but it’s a health issue worldwide. The increase in population means increase in crime rate. Over speeding, disobeying traffic rules, not following the signals etc. are only a few of them, these can certainly be avoided if a proper surveillance system and parking guidance solution is installed at roads, highways, intersections etc.This followed by a strict and effective punishments for those caught red handed will suffice the need.

Other important safety strategies employed by the government include variable message signs, such as Drive slow school ahead, drive safe, U-turn, inner lane etc. .These Led signs are visible even from a far off distance and they alert the driver of the situating ahead making him/her cautious. Radar speed signs also contribute to the same. They tell the speed limit the driver should adhere to, while deciding certain sections of the road, thus minimizing any mishaps due to over speeding.

As we know that the root problem to all traffic is population. More the population more is the need to commute which is leading to purchase of modes of transport. We have limited land everywhere and it is very important to use it wisely.These have ultrasonic sensors which tell the availability of parking space. This enables optimum use of parking space. These methods are economic and using them leads to an organized and well maintained parking areas. Another method is the use of automatic bollards. These steel cylinders can be raised and lowered as and when required. It works better than the whistle of a traffic policeman whose instructions are usually ignored. With the rise of developing and developed countries all over the world, means of transport and ways of effectively using them has also risen.

Commuting from one place to another is not a headache anymore where you have to think the right time and the correct mode of transportation. It has also become lot easier. You no longer have to stand in queues waiting for your ride but with the new invented automobiles, one can easily commute from one place to another economically and easily. The establishment of toll booths on highways has made it easier to track down the vehicles moving in and out of the city. The installation of proper toll management solutions are the latest fully automatic and semi-automatic method of toll collection. It has 98% accuracy and it facilitates smooth traffic flow. Thus these methods if implemented in our road traffic will definitely lead to safer road traffic and will in turn save more lives -the most precious of all!

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