Use Boom Barrier For Smart Parking Lots

Big towns and cities has a lot of traffic going on everywhere. Cars flock the streets and nowadays, unlike the days before when there used to be hardly one or two cars at every turning, cars are seen wherever anybody turns. Thus managing the traffic has become a huge deal and thus in cities there has been an influx of traffic police officers as well.  But the traffic that one sees is not only in streets but also at parking lots, mainly because all these cars have to end up somewhere at least. They cannot be just left on the streets without their owners. Hence there is a big need of parking lots, especially in big cities where the parking traffic is equally as worse as the traffic on the streets, the need for a modern and proper traffic system is high.

How a boom barrier works in a parking lot

A boom barrier is basically an extended metal arm which controls the flows of traffic, this arm can be seen very clearly on highways and other places where traffic needs to be kept in check. These are also used to keep in check pedestrian traffic and also to warn pedestrians of incoming trains in case someone is trying to cross the lines at not a very suitable time.

But how will such a barrier be of any use in a parking lot. Well parking lots before used to have this one person who used to look after the whole thing. For example, the number of cars entering and leaving the lot, and he used to also take a certain hourly charge from the drivers of the cars for helping in keeping their car safe. Nowadays with the emergence of the smart parking lot these people have been replaced by people sitting in cubicles with attached to which is an automatic boom barrier, which controls incoming traffic of cars by stopping them. The cars then have to take a receipt which signifies that they are now entering the parking lot, and while returning they have to again show the receipt to the man concerned who then presses a safety switch which is there and lets the person leave.

The most suitable place of the boom barrier in the parking lot is at the very beginning of the parking lot where from the cars will enter, placing it anywhere else will not serve the purpose of employing it. Today government has made it compulsory as it will help to increase safety and security of people. Parking areas and even roads can be found with such barriers and thus make it easy to control vehicles. One thinking of smart city will require such things to make it possible.

Difficulties faced without boom barriers

The world is becoming so mechanised these days that man has to do hardly any kind of work on his own and thus boom barriers have only served that purpose and provided parking solutions. Without the boom barrier it will not be possible for anybody to maintain the parking traffic, cars might as well come in and go out at whatever time they please without even the receipt and nobody can be able to stop them. Because it will not be possible to humanly maintain that amount of traffic and to keep in check whether every car has taken a receipt. Thus a boom barrier is a necessity than a requirement in a smart parking lot. The fact that it is automated only adds to its goodwill and thus makes work a lot easier for the people working in parking lots. One will really find difference while using it on roads.

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